Application Number 2024/0216/FPA
Status Officer Consideration

Planning Online Status

  • Application
  • Consultation
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  • Decision

  • Decision
  • Appeal
  • Appeal
Application Number 2024/0216/FPA
Location Address Land adjacent to River Kent at New Road Common (Reach F3) KENDAL Cumbria
Proposal Full Application for design changes to approved Phase 1 Kendal Linear Defences Scheme Ref: SL/2018/0925 comprising amendments to the approved linear defences, flood gates, surface water drainage, reprofiling and reinstating the slipway to the River Kent and landscaping at Reach F3/New Road Common.
Status Officer Consideration
Application Type Full Application
Appeal Decision N/A

Important Dates
Application Received Date 08/02/2024
Application Valid Date 08/02/2024
Consultation Start Date 22/03/2024
Site Visited / Site Notice Date 21/02/2024
Consultation End 11/07/2024
Advert Expiry 14/03/2024
Committee Date
(if applicable)
Committee Agenda
Decision Date
Expiry Date 04/04/2024

Further Information
Expected Decision Level Delegated
Case Officer Andrew Martin
Parish Kendal
Ward Kendal Strickland and Fell
Applicant Mr Alex Cowin, Environment Agency
Agent Mr Noah Ferris, WSP in the UK
Agent Address WSP House 70 Chancery Lane Botchergate WC2A 1AF
Conservation Area CAKE - Kendal
Listed Building Grade N/A

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Supporting Documents
Consultee Responses
Neighbour Responses
Officer / Committee Report
Planning Application Documents

Consultation Responses

Consultee List

Name Organisation Sent Reply Received
Arboriculturist W&F Council 14/02/2024 23/02/2024
Cllr Giles Archibald W&F Council 14/02/2024
Cllr Peter Thornton W&F Council 14/02/2024
Conservation Officer (Kendal) W&F Council 14/02/2024 05/03/2024
Countryside Access (All) W&F Council 14/02/2024
Ecology W&F Council 14/02/2024 27/02/2024
Environment Agency Environment Agency 14/02/2024 23/02/2024
Estates (Kendal) W&F Council 14/02/2024
Highways & LLFA W&F Council 14/02/2024 11/03/2024
Historic England Historic England 14/02/2024 05/03/2024
Historic Environment Officer W&F Council 14/02/2024 15/02/2024
Kendal Town Council Kendal Town Council 14/02/2024 18/03/2024
Natural England Natural England 14/02/2024 21/03/2024
Public Protection Group (Kendal) W&F Council 14/02/2024
Ecology W&F Council 06/03/2024 21/03/2024
Cumbria Constabulary Cumbria Constabulary 22/03/2024 08/04/2024
Cllr Giles Archibald W&F Council 27/06/2024
Cllr Helen Ladhams W&F Council 27/06/2024 02/07/2024
Cllr Matt Severn W&F Council 27/06/2024
Cllr Peter Thornton W&F Council 27/06/2024
Cllr Shirley Evans W&F Council 27/06/2024
Highways & LLFA W&F Council 27/06/2024
Natural England Natural England 27/06/2024 04/07/2024
United Utilities United Utilities 27/06/2024
No associated appeals