Application Number 2024/0847/TPO
Status Determined

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Application Number 2024/0847/TPO
Location Address Carleton Derrick Carleton Derrick Drive Penrith Cumbria CA11 8LS
Proposal Works to trees T2 Oak and T1 Wellingtonia, subject to Tree Preservation Order No.123, 2005, comprising; T1 Wellingtonia crown reduced to lower wind loaded stresses on the main stem and butters rooting. To achieve this, crown thinning should be carried outremoving a maximum of 10% of branching, focusing on dead, dying, crossing and rubbing branches. T2 Oak The removal of dead branches.
Status Determined
Application Type Tree Preservation Order
Appeal Decision N/A

Important Dates
Application Received Date 15/05/2024
Application Valid Date 15/05/2024
Consultation Start Date 17/05/2024
Site Visited / Site Notice Date
Consultation End 07/06/2024
Advert Expiry
Committee Date
(if applicable)
Committee Agenda
Decision Date 28/06/2024
Expiry Date 09/07/2024

Further Information
Expected Decision Level Delegated
Case Officer Gemma Gaskell
Parish Penrith
Ward Penrith North, Penrith South
Applicant Mr David Udberg
Agent Mr David Udberg
Agent Address Carleton Derrick Carleton Derrick Carleton Derrick Drive Penrith CA11 8LS
Conservation Area N/A -
Listed Building Grade N/A

Condition Details / Information Notes
All tree work shall be carried out in accordance with British Standard BS3998 - Recommendations for Tree Work. Reason: To ensure the protection and retention of important landscape features.
The consent hereby granted is only valid for two years from the date of the consent / this date and any tree work which is carried out beyond this period shall require a further consent from the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of good arboricultural practice and to enable the acceptability of the approved works to be reviewed in the event that they have not been carried out.
In taking the action specified in this Notice, special care should be taken to prevent harm or disturbance to wildlife. Under The Countryside and Wildlife Act and The Conservation Of Habitats and Species Regulations it is a criminal offence to disturb bats, birds and other wildlife therefore anyone working on trees should ensure the necessary checks are carried out fully before work commences to avoid the risk of prosecution.
It may be necessary to obtain the permission of the tree owner(s) or other parties before carrying out any consented work to trees as detailed in this notice and it is the applicant detailed above that is required to do this. The decision of the Council does not involve obtaining any such permission nor will it condone the use of the notice to obtain permission from the tree owner(s) or other parties.
The development shall not proceed except in accordance with the strategy described in the submitted Application Form and Arboricultural Risk Assessment received 15 May 2024. Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to prevent harm to protected trees.

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Document Type Date Description File Size Drawing/Rev Number
Supporting Documents
Consultee Responses
Officer / Committee Report
Decision Notice

Consultation Responses

Consultee List

Name Organisation Sent Reply Received
Cllr Mark Rudhall W&F Council 17/05/2024
Cllr Michael Eyles W&F Council 17/05/2024
Cllr Patricia Bell W&F Council 17/05/2024
Cllr Virginia Taylor W&F Council 17/05/2024
Deputy Town Clerk Penrith Town Council 17/05/2024 05/06/2024
Town Clerk Penrith Town Council 17/05/2024
No associated appeals